Mean values for antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, anthocyanin content, and quality attributes for each cultivar and storage interval are shown in Table 1. When data were analyzed in a two-way ANOVA for effects of cultivar and storage interval, variation among cultivars was significant for antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, and anthocyanin content across all storage intervals, but there were cultivar × storage interval interactions for all three traits with rank and scale changes among cultivars (analyses not presented). Brigitta, MSU-58, and Legacy demonstrated the lowest percentage of berries with severe bruising at harvest and 3 weeks postharvest (Table 1). These three cultivars and Elliott were the firmest cultivars at
harvest and throughout the postharvest period, consistently maintaining firmness measurements above 200 g/mm. Only Brigitta demonstrated a significant loss in berry weight during storage, at 7 weeks postharvest. The berry weight of MSU-58 at 6 weeks postharvest was greater than at harvest, but at 7 weeks, it was less than at harvest, possibly due to sampling variation.