NAM : Hello, I’m Nam.
BOW : Hi Nam. I’m Bow.
NAM : Nice to meet you Bow, where are you from?
BOW : Thailand, And you?
NAM : I’m from France. This should be a good presentation.
BOW : Yes, I have heard them before. They are brilliant speakers.
NAM : Oh. Are you coming to the meal later?
BOW : Yes, I’ll always make time for a free meal, and I have heard the food delicious here.
So, are you staying for a few days?
NAM : Yes, I’m staying for an extra two days, I want to go to some of the museums, and do a bit of
Sightseeing. I love London. So many beautiful buildings.
BOW : Yes, There’s a wonderful exhibition on at the National Gallery at the moment.
I hope I will have time to see that before I go home tomorrow, but I’m not sure.
NAM : There’s never enough time, is there?
BOW : No. Oh, it look as though they are about to begin.
NAM : Well, nice meeting you. Maybe see you at the meal afterwards?
BOW : Yeah.