The incubation period varies from 8 to 12 months. The disease caused by Guinea worm (D. medinensis) is commonly called as guinea worm disease or drancunculosis. Following pathogenic effects have been noticed-
1. Allergic manifestation:
The adult females during the process of liberation of embryos also, secretes “toxin” which causes allergic symptoms characterised by nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, erythema (redness of skin), giddiness, dyspnea (difficult breathing) and eosinophilia.
2. Blister formation:
The female worm lying in the sub- cutaneous tissues produces an irritant which ultimately forms a small blister on skin. The blister finally burst in order to allow the female to discharge embryo in water. The opening of blister makes way for secondary bacterial infection and septic.
3. During forceful extraction of the female worm from the host body, the female liberates premature embryos in the tissues of the host causing irritation and inflammation.