So, in the end, it was kind a a debatable decision to continue to play Starladder after the first day, when we lost to SFZ. As you know, in all 3 maps we had an advantage near 10-15k of experience/gold, but only in the second one (which we won) we didn't have any lags (19 mins, frags: 28/6). Most of the DDoS-times Dread/goddam controlled not only themselves, but also heroes of Afoninje and Artes. Unfortunately they wasn't even able to buy items.
DDoSers did their job perfectly.There was coefficients near 3.5-4 on our defeat, so definitely it was a great deal for these "businessmen". Sad, but bookmakers don't see anything suspicious, everything is fine for them. They will not cancel any bets, so DDoS still make sense. And we are out of Starladder.
But anyway, we will use that free time to improve ourselves. Thanks for everyone, who knows our potential and likes the spirit of HellRaisers. Stay tuned!