Studies were ca rried out on the replacement of sugar with stevioside and liquid sorb itol (SO); addit ion of
hydrocolloids, emul si fi ers wit h and wi thout 10% debittered fenug reek seed powder (DFSP) to a mixture
of stevioside and SO on the rheological, microstructural and qual ity characteristics of cake. Experim ental
data showed that addition of sugar increased the amylograph viscosit y of wheat fl our paste durin g
heating and coo ling while SO at dif ferent percentages decreased these visco sities, however addi tion of
comb ination of hydrocolloid (xanth an, XA) and emulsi fi er (polysorb ate-60, PS-60) increased the viscosi ty
of wh eat fl our paste with 10 0% SO. Addition of comb ination of XA þ PS-6 0 improved distri bution pattern
of air cell s, increased batter viscosi ty, cohe siveness, overall quality score of ca ke with 10 0% SO and
allowed in corporation of DF SP to improve the function al characteristics of cake. Evalua tion of compo-
sition of developed cake showed negligi ble sucrose content, perceptible fen ugreek fl avor and increased
dietar y fi ber as agai nst cake wi th sug ar.