A few minutes later, standing at the border of the layer, I looked into the distance. A metal chain transversed across the starry cosmos, connecting to the second layer. This time we would have to slide for a very long time to reach the next level.
Inhaling deeply, I said with a smile, “Let’s go. Onwards to the second floor! I want to level up!”
Everyone else nodded at the same time. “Yup!”
“Got it!”
After landing I involuntarily took 10 steps onto the floor of the second layer, the aggro of a monster that was standing not too far away from me was triggered. It was a human warrior wearing an armor that was completely purple colored. He carried a blade that crackled with electricity upon its edge. Taking wide strides toward us, he snarled, “Halt, you are trespassing on Dragon Temple’s forbidden grounds, this is punishable by death! Brat, surrender your life!”
The broadsword crackled with electricity and exploded outwards as he tried to cleave it into my shoulder. Immediately, 500+ points of damage was dealt to me while simultaneously forcing me into a state of paralysis for 3 seconds and reducing my attack and movement speed by 15%!
unsheathed my Frost Rain Sword right after the paralysis ended, casting a [Fierce Ice Blade] and a [Combo] upon the monster, dealing nearly 4000 damage to him. Behind me, Wan Er chuckled as she passed by with her double daggers, “Take a look at my 3rd advancement skill!”
With a shout, Wan Er held both her daggers in front of her chest. With a “keng,” she held the two daggers together, condensing them into a single crimson red blade edge. The monster before her was known as the Thunder Blade Guard, a Lv 63 Elite Monster and as her newly formed blade penetrated its body, the monster howled miserably and its body began to shudder violently. A huge number came floating out from above the body–
Gulp!” Fox and I swallowed our saliva, “What a strong move….”
Yue Qing Qian’s mouth dropped open, “Wow, sister Cang Tong, is this the Assassins’ 3rd advancement skill? How strong, this skill has great damage potential; it can out damage the [Flame Blade] used by a heavy armor class can’t it?”
Wan Er struck the Thunder Blade Guard with a [Gouge], “Yea, this is the trump card for Assassins of the 3rd advancement–[Twin Blade Harmony]. It’s our strongest skill until level 100 and it is capable of ignoring a huge amount of the target’s defense. Not only that, after advancing to the 3rd advancement, the typical PK strategy used by Assassins is to ambush them using [Backstab] linked with [Gouge]. After 2 seconds, you use another 70 mana to cast [Twin Blade Harmony]. This can pretty much kill any heavy armor class player.”
Yue Qing Qian chuckled, “Yea, it looks really powerful, and [Twin Blade Harmony] also looks unbelievably cool. I want to reach the 3rd class advancement as soon as possible…”
While attacking the Thunder Blade Guard, I turned around to say, “You’re already Lv 59 Yue Qing Qian. Once we finish this map, you’ll be able to advance. I’ve thought it all out: once the second layer is cleared, we’ll all return to Ba Huang City to reorganize and repair our equipment. If it is possible, those who can advance should do so. At this moment, Dong Cheng, Qing Qian, Chengshuo and I will all be able to advance, which would mean a total of 5 players who have reached their 3rd advancement. This would also increase our chances of beating the final boss, since 3rd advancement players would add to our power.”
Yue Qing Qian nodded, “I hear you, brother.”
Fox kneaded his forehead, “If only I had a younger sister like this…”
Yue Qing Qian giggled, “That’s no problem, I’ll have Yue Wei Liang call you older brother…”
“Really, though I’m sure she’d see you as an old person, so you’d be an uncle.”
“As long as she doesn’t think of me as a grandfather, then I’ll be happy. Am I really that old?”
All the girls nodded in symphony, leaving Fox to cry to himself.
We continued onwards, taking a good look at the Thunder Blade Guard’s stats. His attacks had the lightning attribute and when he had only 10% of his health left, he would use an AOE skill named [Raging Thunder Blade]. It would probably deal 70% of his base attack, not a bad skill at all.
Less than a 100 meters forward, a ravine appeared with countless Thunder Blade Guards roaming inside. Wan Er immediately trembled at the sight; a happy look was apparent on her face, “Wow! It looks like I’ll be able to get to Lv 61 now…”
Taking a second look at the ravine, I felt uncertain. “It’s hard to say…with this many monsters, we’d have to kill them for at least 7 or 8 hours, how troublesome…”
Fox pondered a bit, then suddenly looked up upon hearing some sounds, “Xiao Yao, look out!”
Looking up, I saw a scarlet meteorite with a flame trail flying out from behind the clouds. It was heading straight toward me. If I didn’t dodge this, then I’d surely be badly injured, if not killed. Not only that, the meteorite would hit a large area and both Dong Cheng and Yue Qing Qian were within range; there was only a second to react!
Inwardly whining, I quickly activated my [Haste]. As I rushed forward, I spread both of my arms out and quickly hugged both Dong Cheng and Yue Qing Qian to my chest and dove to the side. “Everyone be quiet and take cover!”