The theory that the state and its authonty has a Divine Origin and sanction finds unequivocal support in the scriptures of almost all religions in the world in the Mahabharata it is recounted that the people approached God and repuested him to grant them a ruler who should save them from the anarchy and chaos prevailing in the state of nature Without a chiet o lord
They prayed we are perishing Give us a chief whom we shall worship in concer and who will protect us The theory of Diving however received new impetus with the advent of Christianity Render unto Caesar the thing thal are Caesar ;s ,said Jesus Christ, and paul amplified this in his Epistle to the Romans which has been quoted by writers time and again in support of the theory of Diving Origin we are thus told Letevery soul be sudject unto the higher powers for there is no powel but of god the powers that be are ordained of god whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of god and they that resist shall receive themselves damnation