Fig. 3. Immunolocalization of Acidovorax citrulli cells in pistil-infested and pericarp-infested watermelon seed sections. A and B, Toluidine blue-stained crosssections
of a decoated pistil- and pericarp-infested watermelon seeds, respectively, highlighting the perisperm-endosperm (PE) envelope (P) and cotyledons (c). C
and D, Immunolocalization of A. citrulli cells in pistil-infested and pericarp-infested seeds, respectively. The lower right corner image in C shows a magnified
image of the highlighted field, which shows immunolabeled A. citrulli cells in the PE envelope (P) and in the intercellular spaces of parenchyma tissue of the
cotyledons (c). White arrows in D show the localization of A. citrulli cells in the PE layer. Bar (100 μm) in A is also applicable to C. Bar (100 μm) in B is
applicable to D.