In Chapter 8, when Bilbo uses his sword to free himself from the spider web, he is described as feeling differently about himself, an indication that he is growing in self-awareness. At this point, he names his sword, as many legendary heroes have done, and it is clear that he is developing qualities of heroism and leadership. In Chapter 9, he displays both bravery and intelligence in devising a plan for the escape of the dwarves to Esgaroth; Gandalf has departed and their fate is in Bilbo's hands. Finally, in Chapter 12, it is Bilbo alone who descends into Smaug the dragon's lair — having first been the one to discover how to use Thorin's key to open the door to the Lonely Mountain — and steals a cup and the Arkenstone from the hoard. He exhibits extreme bravery because he really does not want to confront Smaug, but he goes anyway. He also discerns Smaug's vulnerable spot, where he will eventually be shot by Bard's arrow.