Medical Examination
Before Your Visa Interview
Important Notice: Immigrant visa applicants must complete (schedule and attend) their medical examinations with authorized physicians before their scheduled interview dates. If you complete your medical examination after your visa interview, processing of your immigrant visa case will be delayed until the U.S. Embassy or Consulate has received your medical examination results. Therefore, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete their medical exams prior to their visa interviews. A list of authorized physicians for the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you will apply is provided in the dropdown list below.
Medical examinations performed by non-authorized physicians will not be accepted. The medical examination includes a review of the applicant's medical history, physical examination, chest X-ray, and blood tests. The physical examination will at least include examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, skin, and external genitalia. The authorized physician will either give the applicant the medical examination results to hand-carry to the visa interview or will send the results directly to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate.
Preparing for the Medical Examination
The first step in preparing for the medical examination is to determine which doctors in your area are authorized to perform a medical examination for U.S. immigration purposes. The information below shown by U.S. Embassy and Consulate, provides the authorized physician(s) contact information for you to schedule your medical examination appointment, as well as instructions related to the required medical examination.
Select the first three letters of your case number from the following dropdown list (the three letters are an abbreviation for the Embassy/Consulate where you will be interviewed).
Then click Medical Examination for complete information about the medical examination.
Note: You must have the current version of Adobe Reader to view the Medical Examination Instructions. You may receive a "file corrupted" error message if you are using an old version. To obtain a free current copy visit
Contact one of the designated physicians to arrange your medical exam. Explain that the examination is for an immigrant visa application and give the physician the date of the interview appointment. The physician will tell you the cost of the examination and tests.
Obtain the following records and bring them to your medical examination:
Your vaccination immunization records
Any prior chest x-rays
Copies of your medical history records
Your passport, identity card, laissez-passer, or travel document
Attend your medical examination on the date and time you scheduled.
To answer common questions about the medical examination click Medical Examination Frequently Asked Questions.
Medical Examination
Before Your Visa Interview
Important Notice: Immigrant visa applicants must complete (schedule and attend) their medical examinations with authorized physicians before their scheduled interview dates. If you complete your medical examination after your visa interview, processing of your immigrant visa case will be delayed until the U.S. Embassy or Consulate has received your medical examination results. Therefore, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete their medical exams prior to their visa interviews. A list of authorized physicians for the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you will apply is provided in the dropdown list below.
Medical examinations performed by non-authorized physicians will not be accepted. The medical examination includes a review of the applicant's medical history, physical examination, chest X-ray, and blood tests. The physical examination will at least include examination of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, skin, and external genitalia. The authorized physician will either give the applicant the medical examination results to hand-carry to the visa interview or will send the results directly to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate.
Preparing for the Medical Examination
The first step in preparing for the medical examination is to determine which doctors in your area are authorized to perform a medical examination for U.S. immigration purposes. The information below shown by U.S. Embassy and Consulate, provides the authorized physician(s) contact information for you to schedule your medical examination appointment, as well as instructions related to the required medical examination.
Select the first three letters of your case number from the following dropdown list (the three letters are an abbreviation for the Embassy/Consulate where you will be interviewed).
Then click Medical Examination for complete information about the medical examination.
Note: You must have the current version of Adobe Reader to view the Medical Examination Instructions. You may receive a "file corrupted" error message if you are using an old version. To obtain a free current copy visit
Contact one of the designated physicians to arrange your medical exam. Explain that the examination is for an immigrant visa application and give the physician the date of the interview appointment. The physician will tell you the cost of the examination and tests.
Obtain the following records and bring them to your medical examination:
Your vaccination immunization records
Any prior chest x-rays
Copies of your medical history records
Your passport, identity card, laissez-passer, or travel document
Attend your medical examination on the date and time you scheduled.
To answer common questions about the medical examination click Medical Examination Frequently Asked Questions.
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