As I mentioned in last Thursdays morning assembly, we are trying to enforce the current rules with regards to uniform, and the students shoes have been an issue for a while. It looks unprofessional, unruly and unorganized when students turn up in high top, white trainers or black trainers with logo's on them. During my assembly, I told the students that they had until Monday (tomorrow) to buy appropriate shoes for school otherwise they will get a detention. As I believe that it is about time we actually start reinforcing our school rules, I will be holding a detention tomorrow during lunch time for all those students with the incorrect shoe wear. This detention will last for 20 mins and they will receive a letter that they have to take back to their parents requesting that they buy the correct shoes. After this, the disciplinary department will organize appropriate punishments for breaking the school rules with regards to uniform.
Within every school, there are rules, and it is up to you, the teachers, to reinforce the rules firmly. This teaches the students valuable life lessons about responsibility and respect.
If any teacher has an issues or questions regarding this matter please come to talk to me. I will be re-announcing this at tomorrows assembly, and expect the full support from the teachers.