We would like to provide good service and various items to you. For it, we need your help.
Please answer to bellow questions and send us until this Friday (7th March).
We will reflect your opinion positively and our service can be changed based on your answer.
So please write in detail with one A4-size pages in length. If you need more time, you can reply us after one week.
We will send some gifts with your order for appreciate your answer.
1. How is kpop and Kpop market in your country?
For example in detail,
- How is Kpop these days? Kpop's popularity is increasing or decreasing?
- How is demand of kpop goods?
- There are many kpop local offline or online store in your country?
2. Which artist is famous?
3. Which item is famous?
- Is there any kpop items that is famous there but we don't sell?
4. How is our b2b service? Is there any problem that we need to improve?
5. How do you think our b2b website?
- Is easy to order? or Do you have any problem in ordering in our website?
- As compared with other websits, do you have any suggestion about our website?
You can capture, the image of other websits that you like and you want us to apply in our website.
6. Do you have any requirement or suggestion to us?
7. Exept above questions, is there someting you want to tell us?
Your answer wil be valuable data for us so we can give you better service.
Thank you.