Ascaris lumbricoides is the largest and most prevalent of the
human helminths. Ascariasis causes a unique type of intestinal
obstruction with specific problems, having high morbidity and
m o r t a l i t y. There is no management algorithm available in the
literature to treat such cases. We aimed in this study to develop
an algorithm for the management of intestinal obstruction due
to ascariasis. A m e d l i n e search of the English literature on the
management of intestinal obstruction due to ascariasis was performed.
Management of one of our patients with intestinal
obstruction due to ascariasis is presented herein as an example
of such cases. Intestinal obstruction due to ascariasis is a serious
disease with a high morbidity and mortality, especially
p o s t o p e r a t i v e l y. A management algorithm for the treatment was
d e v e l o p e d . The management of intestinal obstruction due to
ascariasis was challenging and required difficult decisions. We
think that this algorithm will be of great assistance in facilitating
a rapid and successful treatment. This algorithm may prove
to be of a great value for physicians treating such cases.