Two people, were practicing with single-hearted devotion, is suddenly, hears the above waters, as if becomes is not quite peaceful, both eyes that therefore two people of that shuts tightly, simultaneously suddenly open.
When their both eyes open, two dazzling rays, from two people of binocular releases, that is a special method, can let them, in such jet black environment, can see clearly some Thing.
„Is that?”
At this moment, in two people of eyes emerged the color of accident unavoidably, their vision were freely limited, but can see indistinctly, resembled some people in the crash quick dive, the rapidness of speed, let them simply is also some exclamation.
But the Ancient Elf person, all dived, as for people who these endure the test together, already by their distant flinging after behind, who can be can by so the speed submergence?
Here pressure strong, they are very clear, the unusual person can withstand, that person not only withstood, but can also the so fast submergence, this make them realize that newcomer was not absolutely simple.
„Unexpectedly is he?” However, when they, after seeing clearly that newcomer, is actually the facial features big change, in the eye emerges the incomparably surprised look, because they how, regardless of unable to think that by the person of astonishing speed submergence, can be Chu Feng unexpectedly.
And, this moment Chu Feng movement is strange, suddenly finds out both hands to swing carelessly, resembles in grasping any Thing, but in this waters anything does not have obviously, therefore Chu Feng such action, the reversed image is the lunatic is ordinary, making one unable to find out the brains.
„Snort, wants to wait to leave here to tidy up you, cannot think that you delivered unexpectedly, Chu Feng today here is your burial ground.” Being startled that after that flickers, in the Yuan Qing eye emerges the rich murderous intention suddenly.
Here pressure is enormous, dies the person here to be not infrequent, even if they have killed Chu Feng, nobody knows that is they do, therefore , to Chu Feng is not very being feeling well Yuan Qing, is the decision makes here the Chu Feng burial ground.
When sees Chu Feng that moment, Qin Guang also understands, faint between own aura release, prepares to stop Chu Feng under.
In fact, Qin Guang and Chu Feng do not have what direct grudge actually, but it does not like Southern Cyanwood Forest, but Chu Feng is not only Southern Cyanwood Forest disciple, but also has such talent, if makes Chu Feng continue to grow, perhaps then Southern Cyanwood Forest must rise.
If Southern Cyanwood Forest rises, then their Shen Xing Guan status, is going to be attacked, therefore is in all sorts of considerations, it will not make Chu Feng live is leaving here.
„Go away.” But who once thinks that regarding two people of stops, Chu Feng not only does not fear, instead shouted angrily, overbearing incomparable, was similar to is berating the passers- by two streets to be ordinary, has not paid attention to them completely.
Regarding the response of Chu Feng, Yuan Qing and Qin Guang are all angry, in addition absolutely what they cannot think, when they prepare to Chu Feng begins, Chu Feng unexpectedly suddenly accelerates, such as the light passes through generally, has plundered from two people of sides.
„This, is the speed of this boy, so how fast?” Regarding this, Yuan Qing and Qin Guang were shocked, is chest cavity is dumbfounded seriously, dumbfounded, by thorough of being startled.
„What looks at to look that hasn't pursued quickly?” However quick, Yuan Qing is giving a loud shout to Qin Guang.
Sees that Qin Guang does not neglect, the thought moves, his body starts to change unexpectedly, originally is the skin of humanity, actually long makes a debut ash-gray scales, even in his hand, on, grows the acute angle that the size varied, the build also increased several times, changed to the ugly incomparable monster beast.
Do not look that the Qin Guang build has increased, but his speed actually changed quick, when his personal appearance one vertical, unexpectedly was not inferior Chu Feng, pursued to Chu Feng.
Is seeing with own eyes Chu Feng in the Qin Guang form, vanishes in the line of sight, on the face of Yuan Qing has covered entirely restlessly.
Formerly suppressed the words to let out, if could not kill Chu Feng, after Chu Feng left here, spoke irresponsibly, unavoidably will affect their reputations.
However was a pity, because his carrying capacity is limited, this water level is he can dive maximum limit, if will dive will again be in danger.
Therefore, he can only hope, pin on the body of Qin Guang, because Qin Guang is the monster beast, and is one type monster beast that has the special bloodline, the monster beast race that it is said Qin Guang is, multiplies in a polluted water, therefore their races, the appearance is somewhat disgusting scary, it may be said that strangely, but the bearing ca