Personally, I wouldn't take LMH's Ideal Type said in the concert too seriously. This kind of event (concert, fan meeting, etc) is meant for entertaining people. It's scripted for entertaining purpose.
I don't know why but somehow I'm happy that I didn't see PSH at LMH's concert. In my opinion, if she showed up to support him, then their relationship might just be oppa-dongseng, which I opposed! haha. I wanna believe that they're currently dating, and they will keep everything to themselves as long as they can, or until they get caught by paparazzi...which I would be kinda happy in the weirdest way possible to see the two photographed together on a date. But I'm also afraid that if they were to get caught dating too soon, then they might end up just like LMH's past relationship.
In my delusional mode, they're already together. They both take this relationship seriously, and cherish what they're having. They will remain discreet to public. But, sometimes they might just slip and show some "we are together" signs, just like LMH wearing red sneakers at the concert...hehehe... And, when the time is right, we all would hear the good news..