I would also like to thank my friends and family for putting up with my stress and
frantic schedule and for their tremendous emotional support. My mother, father and
sister have stood by me and believed in me even when I doubted myself. Colin
Gremillion has borne the brunt of my stress and anxiety but has kept me calm and sane
while he helped and supported me. From formatting my tables to listening to me vent, he
has been a constant source of support. My partners in crime, Celia O’Brien and Heather
Metcalf, have held me accountable and kept me moving forward in this process, not to
mention helped distract me from my work. Celia’s unwavering support and friendship
has given me the courage to keep pushing for my goals and to keep believing in myself.
Thank you to friends like Claudia Sandoval and Jamie Coracides for being shoulders I
can cry on and friends to laugh with.