Results from our experiment are consistent with our predictions. First, we find that lenders are
much less willing to lend to a firm with optional renewal periods when those periods are capitalized
on the balance sheet. This result is important because it suggests a significant trade-off in decision
usefulness in order to address the concern that preparers will structure around the intent of the
proposed leasing standard. More specifically, because optional renewal periods protect lessees (e.g., by allowing them the operational flexibility to move out of a declining business, or to renew at favorable rates in a prospering business), we would expect lenders to be more (not less) willing to lend to a firm with renewal options, ceteris paribus. Importantly, we also find that disaggregating capitalized lease obligations into cancelable and non-cancelable categories on the face of the financial statements eliminates the observed decline in willingness to lend that comes with
capitalization of optional renewal periods, suggesting a means for reducing the informational concerns that can arise when choosing a more expansive unit of account.
Results from our experiment are consistent with our predictions. First, we find that lenders are
much less willing to lend to a firm with optional renewal periods when those periods are capitalized
on the balance sheet. This result is important because it suggests a significant trade-off in decision
usefulness in order to address the concern that preparers will structure around the intent of the
proposed leasing standard. More specifically, because optional renewal periods protect lessees (e.g., by allowing them the operational flexibility to move out of a declining business, or to renew at favorable rates in a prospering business), we would expect lenders to be more (not less) willing to lend to a firm with renewal options, ceteris paribus. Importantly, we also find that disaggregating capitalized lease obligations into cancelable and non-cancelable categories on the face of the financial statements eliminates the observed decline in willingness to lend that comes with
capitalization of optional renewal periods, suggesting a means for reducing the informational concerns that can arise when choosing a more expansive unit of account.
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