Hi Chan hi สบายดีไหม ผมชื่อ....Gary I read your profile and it seems like we have a lot in common. I like to visit the ocean and the beach and travel around Asia. Also also like to go to fitness and try new food--especially Thai food and Asian food.. In my spare time I like reading books and don't really like to go to party but only for special occasions like my friend Birthday Party 555. I just came to Bangkok and work here now--I have my own company. What are you doing for work? Now I am also studying Thai language. ผมเรียนภาษาไทนมา 1 เดือนแล้ว ผมอยากฝึกภาษาไทย I think it is good to try to understand Thai culture better. My office is located near Siam Square. I work about export business. I like staying in Thailand--there is a wonderful cultural heritage and lovely natural places to visit. I like Hua Hinn and Krabi and Samui. My background:.I am white skin, not fat guy medium height, born in USA, good university education and stable business guy. ผมเป็นนักธุรกิจ. I DO NOT like smoking. I have a good habit I am funny guy (i think so because my friend told me that). I am looking for a girl with a warm personality, smart and adventurous.
What part of town are you staying in? What places do you like to travel to? If you have time send me an email. I look forward to talking to you more.
My email is btcombkk@gmail.com.
I hope we can talk soon. I can try to speak Thai. Now I already study Thai for a some months. Regards Gary
Gary ๕ มกราคม ๒๕๕๘ ๑๔:๑๙ น. แปลภาษา รายงานการใช้งานในทางที่ผิด