The student learning outcomes are assessed from the results of the pre-test and post-test by identifying the
students’ learning achievement in this learning environment.
Table 3: Mean scores and standard deviation from pre-test and post-test results
Test results (total=100) Mean STD
Pre-test 47.77 15.12
Post-test 63.39 11.56
Table 3 shows that the pre-test mean score (M) is 47.77 and standard deviation (STD) is 15.12, indicating that
the student learning outcomes were below average as they did not have specified knowledge to answer the
questions before they start learning. Later, the post-test result shows that the mean score is 63.39 and the STD is
11.56. The results suggested that students’ learning outcomes was at the satisfying level as the mean score is at
above-average grade. In a normality test, this sample was proved to have a normal distribution, where as in
paired-samples t-test, a significant difference exists between the pre-test results and post-test results. Therefore,
it is convinced that this learning environment has significantly improved student learning achievement.