1. Create a humid atmosphere within an incubation tray by distributing 5 ml of distilled
water into the bottom of the tray.
2. Use a cotton swab to suspend a portion of the yeast colony in the suspension medium
equal to a 2 McFarland standard.
3. Place 1 drop of yeast suspension into RAT Medium.
4. Transfer 100 µl (3 drops) of RAT Medium suspension into an ampoule of C medium.
5. Using a pasteur pipette, fill the capsules with the suspension in C medium.
6. Put lid on and incubate at 280
C x 48-72 hours.
7. After 24, 48 (and 72 hrs if needed) check for growth.
8. Record results onto the supplied report form and compare results with the Identification
Table to identify yeast.
9. Record results in the LIS.