I am thinking about the world we r living in:
My dad had also a dream but he was going to far. His dream was to have money. He has.
He has a villa in Lion( France ), a house in patras ( Greece ), a hous in angonna ( Italy ).
He has an stolen BMW 7 , a gun and 2 creditcards with 150.000
But he is alone. He doesnt have anyone. He asked me for the heritage.
I didnt wanted to have anything. I am doing it on my one and I wanna win the heart of people and not their money.
If you wanna win the mass , win every single heart. And its mcuh more worth.
I prefer one day the stand with the poor and honest and going with them in HONOR and being loyal to them,
instead of those who are hiding with their money. They ll die in lonelyness.
Yes I experienced many hardships. But there were always people loving me. Loving my minds. Taking my hand. Giving me power.
Even in my childhood. I was often famous kid of somebody ( i dnt wanna boast off )
But they ve said that i ve s.th special:
she wrote me a card when I was 4 - I still have it.
I always had a blue cause my dad was hitting me.
She wrote:
Once you have to decide for cage for freedom
For that what has been or for that what is coming.
I chose FREEDOM - and i wanna give it to many people.
People shouldnt follow that system of slavery. They need to be galvanised.
As long as people fight for their freedom. Freedom never dies.
Europeans / Industrialised countries have mashine minds, mashine
Dont give yourself to those mashines.
You dont hate. Just the unloved hate.
Dont fight for slavery . Fight for LIBERTY.
YOU the people have the power. To make this life an beautiful adventure.
We need to unite - living on one earth - in 1 world and not 2 different worlds.
I wanna contribute a part to it throug some videos on youtube.
I ll start and working hard for it.
I dont wanna have and see violence.
I just wanna let speak the voice of the people and their hearts.
We should be responsible for those who r coming next. For those who are not able to protect themself.
Alexandros ( my name ) means: protecting men :D
So i dont have no other opportunity.
As I told: If you got a dream, you need to protect it. Go and get it.
I also risking myself - my way , my future... but you need to be risktaking if you have a dream.
So you are changing from the person you are into the person you wanna be ;)
I like your quotation :)
So keep on rising!
All the best aaaand
- Always blue skies