The housekeeping's timetable is now finished 80% only 20% that need to revise upon your corrections. The housekeeper can mainly follow the new timetable and they know their works and what to do without any problems. Due to the number of students are not so many and they can manage properly.
Admin Staff is now doing the revised version and will be finished by this week. Then this will be sent to you for checking and further comments. Now, her workloads are for HR and Finance to clear her tasks before leaving.
Dear K. Fran,
Please clarify again if the manager like K. Dao and me have to deal with the operation jobs in the future. From the meeting, you mentioned that the manager do not have deal with finance checking or operation jobs. Admin staff will deal directly with MT manager. So we will have time to think and create new jobs/new ideas as you mentioned in the last meeting. And, my line manager is you.
Note : From Admin meeting,
We have agreed to separate documents of admin --> K. Dao sign and supervise
We have agreed to separate documents of finance --> I will sign and supervise
Thank you so much and sorry that I have to mention this again.