What you do today? I'm just finish wrok.Last night I'm sorry I'm not explain you to understand because in prison incident. The prisoners terminally ill I thus. Chaos in taking prisoners to the hospital And than i send you a message be couse i thinking of you. Are you have plan for holiday in the weeked? And me think go to somewhere to look something. Am go with my son. May de not go. You know! I miss you everytime. I want to know you can give me really love. But you are the one for me. It possible i need ro meet you. And than tell you that you are the one in my neart. I know when you read thsi massage you must smile. Or you laughing. I'm sorry if you don't understand. To i write this. Couse i just learn language o.k. Dear wish you have a nice day. I miss you and take care you'self