We sat down facing Bill-shi and started talking.
“Before showing the jewels, I would like to hear something from you first. Is there any event here that needed the jewels in such a short time? It’s my first time actually hearing someone receiving a guidance like “Show the jewels”. Is there a special anniversary or something?” [Ayase]
“No….there isn’t such a thing in particular.” [Bill]
“Is it a birthday, or a wedding anniversary?” [Ayase]
“Both are still few months earlier.” [Bill]
Afterwards, I asked several more questions but before long it felt like having an arm wrestling. I should try changing the strategy.
“Then please take a look at these jewels. Receiving this guidance could only mean that there should be something that definitely needs the jewels. I had thought that if that is the case then I want to do what I can to help. It’s also a destiny brought by the guidance of the spirits.” [Ayase]
As I said so, I put out the jewellery case.
I casually brought the case and sat next to Bill. I opened the case.
“The Mirror of Truth” [Ayase]
While pretending to show Bill the jewels, I lightly touch him as I prayed silently. In order to use this skill, I would need to touch the other party so it was a little awkward to me.
Once the Mirror of Truth is activated, the detailed information about Bill should be appearing on the vocation board.
……Uwa~a…..this Mirror of Truth is amazing.
Right now I am in the middle of reception so I can’t look at it carefully but I have obtained the information that I needed for now.
I even came up with a good strategy so let’s go with this route.
Bill who was curiously looking at the jewels said.
“…..Oi, what is this? Is this a spirit stone? It’s my first time seeing it so beautifully moulded…….You, judging from your clothes, are you a merchant from the Imperial City?” [Bill]
“Yes. I came from the Imperial City. How is it? This is one of the item that I would recommend. On the other side, is a stone called Peridot. You could possibly process it into a necklace or ring to present it to your wife? Of course, I will help in the enchantment too, it will be a lifetime treasure. Please pardon me.” [Ayase]
I was in the middle of my sales pitch but I need to finish receiving the spirit stone after achieving the guidance. Tsuka, the spirit-sama just came out without permission to give the stone to me.
The vocation board started glowing, then *PON*, it turned into a fairy (for the time being this guy seems to be the spirit-sama). Since this is the third time, I got used to it already. I’m not sure if it’s a male or female since I can’t make the distinction but it was dressed in a colourful looking clothes like a clown.
“Yo~yo, what a wicked look you have on. This impure coloured stone looks good on you now. See ya. From now on do your best for the sake of the world and Spirit-sama.” [Fairy?]