TABLE 11-1 Summary of Fall Protection Methods
Objective Method
A. Prevent falls of people 1. Remove tripping and slipping hazards
2. Protect edges and openings
a. Provide barriers (guardrails, covers, cage, etc.)
b. Proved visual and auditory warnings
3. Provide grab bars, handrails, and handholds
4. Provide fall-limiting equipment
B. Prevent objects from falling on people 1. Housekeeping (remove objects that could fall)
2. Barrier (toe boards, guardrail, infill, covers, etc.)
3. Proper stacking and placement
4. Fall zone
5. Overhead protection
C. Reduce energy levels 1. Reduce fall distances
2. Reduce weight of falling objects
3. Control fall deceleration
D. Reduce injuries from falls and impact 1. Increase area of impact force
2. Increase energy absorption distance