ค่าเดินทางสำหรับพนักงานของโรงแรม มีเงื่อนไขดังนี้
Transportation allowance for the employees of the hotel are the conditions as follows:
1. employees who work into the morning before work at 6.00 p.m.
2. employees who work finished from 24.00 hrs.
The company will pay 50 baht per day to employees who practice before 6:00 pm. And from work or from 24.00 am onwards.
Note: Transportation allowance is the responsibility of the employee to perform the request manually. All this, and finished on the 20th day of each month, otherwise it will be deemed to be a waiver. Requested such action only to particular time periods only.
From the time attendant record of Mr. Predro. Show didn"t work after midnight as follows: