Photosynthesis down-regulation due to an imbalance between sources and sinks in Citrus leaves could be mediated by
excessive accumulation of carbohydrates. However, there is limited understanding of the physiological role of soluble and
insoluble carbohydrates in photosynthesis regulation and the elements triggering the down-regulation process. In this work,
the role of non-structural carbohydrates in the regulation of photosynthesis under a broad spectrum of source–sink relationships
has been investigated in the Salustiana sweet orange. Soluble sugar and starch accumulation in leaves, induced by
girdling experiments, did not induce down-regulation of the photosynthetic rate in the presence of sinks (fruits). The leaf-tofruit
ratio did not modulate photosynthesis but allocation of photoassimilates to the fruits. The lack of strong sink activity led
to a decrease in the photosynthetic rate and starch accumulation in leaves. However, photosynthesis down-regulation due to
an excess of total soluble sugars or starch was discarded because photosynthesis and stomatal conductance reduction
occurred prior to any significant accumulation of these carbohydrates. Gas exchange and fluorescence parameters suggested
biochemical limitations to photosynthesis. In addition, the expression of carbon metabolism-related genes was altered within
24 h when strong sinks were removed. Sucrose synthesis and export genes were inhibited, whereas the expression of ADPglucose
pyrophosphorylase was increased to cope with the excess of assimilates. In conclusion, changes in starch and soluble
sugar turnover, but not sugar content per se, could provide the signal for photosynthesis regulation. In these conditions,
non-stomatal limitations strongly inhibited the photosynthetic rate prior to any significant increase in carbohydrate levels