Certain demands which arise within (demo- cratic) society are sometimes not examined in ac- cordance with criteria of justice and morality, but rather on the basis ofthe electoral orfinancialpower of the groups promoting them. (Pope John Paul II 91-92) So also are the types and forms of democracy cur- rently imposed and even enforced upon the Third World peoples. Most, if not all, are centred on money politics that simply works to the great advantage of a tiny minority in the mainstream politico-economic forces. And this obviously makes "economic liberalism" turn against common people's rights and freedom, and thus against democracy itself. From the point of view of human progress as referred to earlier on, this is a cause for grave concern indeed. For it means not only deepening polari zation and divisiveness within our societies, but also widening commercialization of human and natural re- sources just to satisfy the never-ending demand for un- limited growth and expansion. And all this for the sole purpose of the few's profit maximization against the many, and the haves against the haves-not. What then is to remain of democracy we are talking about? This is a most pertinent question that is laying claim
Certain demands which arise within (demo- cratic) society are sometimes not examined in ac- cordance with criteria of justice and morality, but rather on the basis ofthe electoral orfinancialpower of the groups promoting them. (Pope John Paul II 91-92) So also are the types and forms of democracy cur- rently imposed and even enforced upon the Third World peoples. Most, if not all, are centred on money politics that simply works to the great advantage of a tiny minority in the mainstream politico-economic forces. And this obviously makes "economic liberalism" turn against common people's rights and freedom, and thus against democracy itself. From the point of view of human progress as referred to earlier on, this is a cause for grave concern indeed. For it means not only deepening polari zation and divisiveness within our societies, but also widening commercialization of human and natural re- sources just to satisfy the never-ending demand for un- limited growth and expansion. And all this for the sole purpose of the few's profit maximization against the many, and the haves against the haves-not. What then is to remain of democracy we are talking about? This is a most pertinent question that is laying claim
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