My dear Mam, you are fine? Yes you are right, the love and the Feeling of two People is the most important Point.. I mean the culture is also a Point, a Thai woman is not like Europe women and a Europe man is not like Thai man, is a different thinking in the culture. In Europe is the north to the south also different, Country with German language are the hard worker, mean the economy of this Country is higher then all other country's in Europe. The most important. in love is that you approach each other and to make compromises is ready for the partner you love Thus, one can eliminate all the cultural differences. It's nice to see that the partner is the one you love happy and make myself happy too! We are no longer teens and so it should be easier to understand the partner without the selfishness of first agency to set.
We had this morning very quiet in our shop but the afternoon was very busy. and get many customer, today we are only three worker for tomorrow we have five helper more. Its good the customer not have a long time to wait.
Have a nice Saturday and look well after you! Like to hug you..! jup.. juppppppppp..