It was dark, squeaking, and quite narrow, and it's steps were a little high for me to climb up.
From the bottom of the stairway,it seemed like an endless climb to the top.
Beyond the darkness at the top of the stairway, there was an elegant, middle-aged lady leaning against the wall.
I had to pass her every time I went to my room, for my room was the first room beyond the stairs on the second floor.
The lady wore a beautiful dress with a quiet pattern and a tinge of blue, and her peaceful eyes stared at me every time I went up the stairs.
As I carefully climbed up the last step, her eyes became fixed on me.
She didn't talk, nor did she move.
She just stood there and watched me clamber up the stairs.
One day I touched her, but she did not react.
Her face did not change expression, nor did she even blink.
She just kept staring at me with her glittering eyes.
Later, we moved out of the house, and I never saw her again.
Now I know that the lady was a mannequin.
My aunt, who lived in the house,used it for her dressmaking class.