Research project concerning the comparison of the performance from the cassava root stimulant charantia and vegetables on plang. Intended to compare performance from tapioca root stimulant charantia plang with vegetables and cassava varieties to soak logs in a root stimulant charantia extract and vegetables on plang ratio. The amount of vegetables: sliced charantia plang sliced (g):Water (cubic centimeters) to 100:200, 400, 300, and 400:400:400:400, 5-minute soak time, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 20 minutes, and then apply the rhizomes to grow into a bag, cassava plant for a period of 15 days, 2 times per day when watering is due 15 days after bringing the rhizomes grow out of bags, nursery. Bring the water to rinse the root and measure the length count roots.
Results of the experiment. It was found that cassava planting tapioca root extract by immersing the stimulant from charantia ratio (water: charantia) 400:400. 5-minute soak time is the average number of roots is roots and cassava grown 43 by immersing the tapioca root stimulant popular charantia extract ratio (charantia: water) 200:400. It takes 10 minutes to soak the root length is 6.6 cm average, and when the root vegetable stimulant tapioca extract from the birth of plang roots. It was found that planting cassava cassava root stimulant by immersing the tapioca extract vegetable plang ratio amounts (vegetables: plang): 400 300. 10-minute soak time is the average number of roots is roots and cassava grown 45 by immersing the tapioca root extract from a popular stimulant vegetables on plang ratio (water: vegetable plang): 400 300. It takes 10 minutes to soak the root length is on average 6.8 cm tapioca root stimulant that extracted from vegetables than powerful stimulant plang tapioca root extract charantia amount