The electronic service quality determines critical information and feeling to modern and potential target market customers (Chang et al. 2009). The e-service quality is general customer perceptions, determinations and judgments of the service quality acquired from an essence marketplace (Santos 2003). It has evolved into acknowledge as a significant in influencing the accomplishment or failure of online business (Yang 2001). This research examine five dimensions that can influence customer loyalty on website as including information, ease of use, web design, customer service, and security and privacy (Bressolles et al. 2014; Ribbink et al. 2004; Ladhari 2010; Chang et al. 2009; Cristobal et al. 2007; Kim and Lee 2004) . E-service quality can capability growth attraction, client retention, hit rate, and beneficial word-of-mouth, and it also can maximise the online competitive advantage of online market (Santos 2003). In addition, if these characteristics of e-service quality have capacity forces on customer satisfaction, trust and commitment to create loyalty, it would be appealing to determine (Chang et al. 2009)