The stainless steel wire mesh pieces were then coated with metal catalyst
before arranged onto a straight bar. The length of stainless steel wire mesh arrangement was
around 10·0 cm. The gap between the each pieces of stainless steel wire mesh was around
0·1 cmeach thatwas created by using the stainless steelwasher. Size of thewasher used in this
study was 1·0 cm in diameter and 0·6 cm of hollow diameter with thickness around 0·1 cm.
Stainless steel bars which was used as a wire mesh support which was a screw type bar with
a diameter of 0·4 cm and 14·0 cm length. A total of 50 pieces were used in an arrangement
for 10·0 cm length. The stainless steel wire mesh substrate configurations are shown as in
figures 2(a) and (b). The original Proton honeycomb ceramic substrate and casing are shown
in figures 3(a) and (b).