FRAC is a Specialist Technical Group of CropLife International (CLI; (Formerly Global Crop Protection Federation, GCPF). As such we work within the legal frame work defined by CLI and take care to ensure that strict anti-trust guidelines are observed.
The purpose of FRAC is to provide fungicide resistance management guidelines to prolong the effectiveness of "at risk" fungicides and to limit crop losses should resistance occur.
The main aims of FRAC are to:
Identify existing and potential resistance problems.
Collate information and distribute it to those involved with
fungicide research, distribution, registration and use.
Provide guidelines and advice on the use of fungicides to reduce the risk of resistance developing, and to manage it should it occur
Recommend procedures for use in fungicide resistance studies.
Stimulate open liason and collaboration with universities, government agencies, advisors, extension workers, distributors and farmers.