Increasing scarcity of land requires land use planning for diverse purposes,
all aiming to optimize land and resource uses and to avoid land use conflicts,
erosion and destruction as well as other consequential problems
such as famines, epidemics and war. Long- and short-term goals, ecological,
social, economic and cultural objectives need to be balanced. Land use
planning can be applied to support sustainable development within given
areas (territorial development) or specifically to ensure the protection of
ecosystem services, biodiversity and high conservation values (natural
resource management, national park management, buffer zone management).
It can also help to mitigate climate change or adapt to it, to prevent
disasters or to be prepared for them, to ensure food security, to develop
areas in post-conflict situations or in drugs environments or specifically to
reduce land conflicts and to improve land governance.
The examples show that no matter for what purpose land use planning is
applied, the most crucial factors are awareness raising, public participation,
capacity building, institutionalization, formal approval and a legally
binding status.
Increasing scarcity of land requires land use planning for diverse purposes,all aiming to optimize land and resource uses and to avoid land use conflicts,erosion and destruction as well as other consequential problemssuch as famines, epidemics and war. Long- and short-term goals, ecological,social, economic and cultural objectives need to be balanced. Land useplanning can be applied to support sustainable development within givenareas (territorial development) or specifically to ensure the protection ofecosystem services, biodiversity and high conservation values (naturalresource management, national park management, buffer zone management).It can also help to mitigate climate change or adapt to it, to preventdisasters or to be prepared for them, to ensure food security, to developareas in post-conflict situations or in drugs environments or specifically toreduce land conflicts and to improve land governance.The examples show that no matter for what purpose land use planning isapplied, the most crucial factors are awareness raising, public participation,capacity building, institutionalization, formal approval and a legallybinding status.
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