The farmers whose annual income falls below RS.360,000 have higher probabilities to undertake adaptation to
climate change. This contradictory results may be due to the fact that the farmers who earn higher income have
generally own large size of lands and cannot be managed their cultivation with the variability of weather conditions
to cope up with climate change. The results also reveal that farmers who come to know the changing patterns of the
climate through television and radio have a higher probability of adaptation to the climate change. Higher educated
framers who know well about climate changes are more likely to adapt to climate change. The probability of farmers
who grow beans as the major crop to adapt to climate change is 94% higher than those who do not grow other crops.
Farmers located in the alluvial plains and hilly agro-ecological zones tend to do high adaptation as compared to
those located in windy and river side agro-ecological zones. The social capital or being a member in a farmers’
society is also important in choosing certain adaptation methods and the probability of adapting to climate change is
62%. The farmers who can access to formal loans tend to adapt to climate change with a high probability of 57%.
The distance to input market is an influencing factor of choosing the mean of appropriate adaption to climate change
and farmers who can easily access to input markets within 10 km have a higher probability of 74% to undertake