We agree with idea that eating chili is good for our health. There are 3 main reasons to support this
Firstly, eating chili lead to lower blood sugar levels. To support this, The research from university of Tasmania showed that affect eating chilies. The amount of insulin needs to lower the body's blood sugar level following a meal was reduced by a staggering 60%. This indicates that eating chili can be one choice to save our health.
Secondary, eating chili helps pain relief and reduces inflammation. Researchers at Harvard University recently announced that they believe Capsaicin can be used to target pain receptors, without affecting nerve cells and causing the side. Therefore, eating chili can be one way to reduce pain relief than take medicines.
Lastly, Capsaicin in chili helps stop the spread of prostate cancer. There was research from Soeren Lehmann, scientist at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine said “It also dramatically slowed the development of prostate tumors formed by those human cell lines grown in mouse models”. In short Capsaicin has limits spreading of prostate cancer. Eating chili can be another choice.
Chilli Health Benefits
The Incredible Health Benefits of Eating Chillies
The Health benefits of eating chillies are well documented but suprisingly little known, despite the many numerous and profound ways in which they are known to aid, relieve and prevent many conditions.
The main component in chillies is a chemical called Capsaicin, which is responsible for the intense heat felt.
But what else does Capsaicin do?
Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Eating chillies can have a very positive impact on people that are overweight or suffer from diabetes, say a team of researchers at The University of Tasmania, whose research was published published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in July 2006.
The study carried out yielded that the normal eating of chillies can help significantly control insulin levels after eating a meal.
The actual data they collected was able to show that after eating Chillies, the amount of insulin needed to lower the body's blood sugar level following a meal was reduced by a staggering 60%.
The exact way in which Chillies act to reduce the need of insulin by this amount is not fully understood yet, but it certainly spells good news for people who have diabetes, as the effects produced by consuming a low amount of Chilli are easy to achieve in everyday cooking.
Improve Heart Health, Boost Circulation, Thins Blood and Helps Protect Against Strokes
Often overlooked as circulation boosters, chillies can have a dramatic impact on your health by helping to boost circulation and also act as a thinner to help protect against strokes. Eating food with chillies every day is all you need to do to enjoy the multiple and important health benefits they have to offer.
While you are reading this article, we would also like to point you to a link which we hope can be shared in order to spread awareness of the symptoms and warning signs of a stroke.
A neurologist says that if you identify the symptoms and diagnose a stroke and treat within 3 hours, the effects can be completely reversed. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
Here is the article: How to easily identify a stroke.
Provides Pain Relief & Reduces Inflamation
Capsaicin is well known to contain a Neuropeptide associated with the inflammatory process. Chilli related alterations in plasma proteins have been reported in patients with auto-inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid and arthritis.
The regular intake of chillies can help to minimise the effects these diseases have on the body.
Capsaicin has also been found to provide effective pain relief without the numbing effect usually associated with anaesthetics, and the inability in some cases, to operate machinery, along with the usual sedative effects some Painkillers cause.
Researchers at Havard University recently announced that they believe Capsaicin can be used to target pain receptors, without affecting nerve cells and causing the side effects mentioned above, which is a big plus.
Real world uses for the compound might include: treating pain caused by Child Birth, providing effective pain relief during Dental Procedures without the side effects of numbness all day, enabling the patient to carry on with their daily tasks straight away, without delay.
Many Painkillers currently in use today affect mental alertness, and the ability of a patient to function properly while the drugs are being administered. Capsaicin could provide a safe alternative to the unpleasant and inconvenient side effects associated with other Painkillers.
Acts as a Therapeutic & Relaxant
Many studies now reveal that Chillies can have a Therapeutic effect on the body, allowing one to relax more easily.
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