Real talk, cutting my hair into a pageboy after a lifetime of tangling with damaged, split-ended long hair was one of the best decisions ever. There's an extensive list of reasons why short hair is the best, and I feel like I'm still discovering new things to love about my cropped tresses every day. My hair feels healthier, it dries much more predictably, and shaking my head feels like twirling around in a flouncy skirt. This last bullet point translates to fun all day every day.
Sure, it's likely that you had long hair in high school. At one point, you probably thought "I could never part with my diaphanous Rapunzel locks! They're a symbol of my maidenhood!" Really though, to all the peeps with long hair, you don’t know what you’re missing if you haven’t taken a sword to your tresses and chopped 'em off, Mulan-style.
Experimenting with a close-cut 'do is extremely liberating. It makes perfect sense that cutting your hair short feels like a cleanse. You’re relieving your head of all those extra dead cells weighing it down. Better yet, this detox doesn't require drinking vile cayenne lemonade. Naturally, you feel like Beyonce and Jay Z’s combined net worth after a drastic haircut. For all the gals who understand the glory of a sassy cropped cut, I've compiled a list of reasons that short hair is the best.