1. Total fat content in kokum kernel powder
Kokum seeds were separated from matured kokum fruits manually,
and washed with hot water 3 to 4 times to remove gummy
material adhered to seeds. These seeds were then dried in a tray
dryer at 70 C to reduce the moisture content from an initial value
of 27% to below 10%. The loosened shells were separated manually
to obtain kernels. Dried kokum kernels were powdered in hand
grinder (Mill A 11 basic Analytical mill, IKA, India) to get fine
powder of 1000 lm which would aid the extraction. The total fat
in kokum kernel powder was determined by Soxhlet extraction
using petroleum ether as a solvent as per the standard AOAC Offi-
cial method 920.39-4.5.01.