The school girls began to panic.
「Everyone, calm down! If you panickedー」
The distance has shortened in no time.
One student ran away.
The wolf bit her neck.
「Aaaaa! it hurts! Ouuuch!」
She screamed and struggled violently.
But, a large amount of blood gushed out the next moment and she stopped moving.
「N-No way…!」
One of the students was paralyzed and fell on her hips.
「I don’t want this anymore!」
The girls screamed while fleeing.
(Heyhey…what the hell is going on!?)
This situation is unexpected.
Hironobu tried to go to the paralyzed school girl to help her.
「Stand up! If you don’t…」
The black shadow approached the girl.
In a moment, her head was bitten and taken away by the wolf.
In front of him is a body without head that spouts blood like a fountain.
Blood splashed in in Hironobu’s face.
(Dammit…! What, Why…!)
Hironoby tries to run away too.
「It came from the other side!」
Those who escaped earlier had many black wolves lined up from left to right.
(Could it be that this one is a decoy!?)
Wild animals don’t hunt alone.
It behaved completely according to the strategy.
(Like I’d die in a place like this…!)
The girls screamed in despair.
It was the moment everyone gave up.
「By my life, become a storm hammer!」
Hearing those words, a black cloud was generated despite the fine weather.
Lightning flashed from there. Several of them. Countless.
The beasts screamed before they are burned.
Thinking that, he heard a loud shout.
It doesn’t feel that it’s a voice of one.
Coming from the town mounted on a horse, raising a sword, armored men came.
They made a formation and thrusted.
Though the wolves were many, they were knocked down by the men quickly.
The armored men have enclosed Hironobu.
「Welcome, Heroes」
It told so.