Zanoba began to go past the side of Randolph while saying so.
However Randolph extended his arm and held him back.
"Why did you stop me?"
"His majesty has ordered me to let no one pass."
"However this is urgent business."
"His majesty is occupied now, even if you have come with pressing matters."
It seems like he is occupied with something or other.
What could he be doing with no subordinates in a place like this?
"Move aside please, I came all this way to save His Majesty."
"His Majesty, does not seem to be willing to leave this castle."
" .... "
He's being evasive.
Randolph continues to talk as if he is hiding something, and it's clearly frustrating Zanoba.
"I want to talk directly with His Majesty!"
Zanoba tried to force his way through, causing Randolph to stand.
He moved relaxedly.
His hollow face just suddenly appeared to jump up to our level, there was no sense of him standing.
"Now just give me a moment. His Majesty's heart is very distressed about the current situation."
"His heart?"
"Just take a goo~ood look at the state of the castle from here.
Enemy soldiers stare in at us with hostility.
Then our own soldiers are outside of the walls doing nothing, they just sit there watching..."
Randolph's eyes moved to our rear while he said this.
I involuntarily look back, and certainly, on the other side of those large windows in the landing, the state of the capital is very clearly seen.
Rebels surround the castle.
Outside the city walls, soldiers are stalled.
If you look at it from up here there appears to be an army which does nothing against the rebels.
But the majority of that army is actually travelers, adventurers, and merchants.
Those people can't be expected to help.
"Until the heart calms down, I won't move from this spot."
"When will that be?"
"Well then... I don't know how long that kind of thing will take. It takes however long it takes, eh?"
"Yea, talking to you is obviously pointless."
Tired of Randolph's slippery Q&A, Zanoba puts his hand on the man's shoulder and goes to push him away.
Zanoba shouldn't be someone you can just blow off like that.
He rolled down the stairs, gorogorogoro, and smacked the back of his head against the wall.
The wall then collapsed with a loud crash.
"Let me say I'm sorry here, I'm sorry... you can't defeat me like this, so please just go along and leave."
Randolph unsheathed his sword while saying so.
In the darkness the blade glows green.
Surely that is a magic sword too.
Ah, this is bad.
Regrets, regrets.
Without the MK-1 a fight is no good.
"Zanoba, calm down, fighting here is dangerous."
"But Shishou..."
Hearing the story just now, it is obvious that Randolph is just guarding Pax.
Zanoba is also here to protect Pax.
We should not be enemies.
It would be another story if Randolph was an apostle of Hitogami but...
That possibility seems rather low.
The same with this all being a roundabout trap aimed at my life.
If he was trying to kill the future republic then, with the Death God, Pax could have been destroyed much earlier.
That could have been taken care of even back during the time he was in the KDK.
Anyway, I'll ask him just in case.
"Randolph, if you ask us to wait, we can wait...
Until then, there is one important thing I would like to discuss, okay?"
"What could that be?"
"Do you know of the existence of Hitogami?"
Randolf laughed at that, smirkingly.
It was a laugh fitting this castle, an eerie laugh.
"Yeah, and if I know it?"
With a rattling laugh, Randolph said so.
He declared it.
The reason to fight has been lit within me.
The Hitogami's apostle that we had been looking for, the apostle is this guy here.
I don't understand exactly what the scheme is, but something advantageous to Hitogami is bound to come out of the situation with this guy.
So, this guy is our enemy.
He's an enemy that has to be defeated.
I thought it would come to this.
My blood thirst rises.
"Ah, so that's how it is after all."
Randolph has his sword.
That blade which emits green light illuminates the hallway.
Zanoba is standing with his club poised, Roxy also has her wand out.
I go first.
Little by little the course of events was moving toward this.
A battle with one of the Seven Major Powers while only wearing the MK-II.