New sprouts from the nodal segments of the fieldselected,
mature, elite bamboos were used for the
induction of embryogenic callus. Murashige and
Skoog medium with BA and 2,4-D (1.0 mg/l each) was
essential for culture establishment and callusing.
Subsequently, elimination of 2,4-D and a corresponding
increase in BA concentration induced embryogenesis.
Upon transfer to sucrose-enriched medium without
PGRs, these embryos matured and germinated into
plantlets within 21 days, with a conversion rate of
about 80%. The protocol thus established showed a
low frequency of albinos when embryos were matured
on a high sucrose (8%) containing medium under
diffuse light conditions (5 mmol m
). Rhizome formation
took place upon prolonged culturing in the same
medium and served as excellent propagules for multiplication.
The plantlets were hardened and up to 78%
survival rate was achieved in soil under greenhouse
New sprouts from the nodal segments of the fieldselected,mature, elite bamboos were used for theinduction of embryogenic callus. Murashige andSkoog medium with BA and 2,4-D (1.0 mg/l each) wasessential for culture establishment and callusing.Subsequently, elimination of 2,4-D and a correspondingincrease in BA concentration induced embryogenesis.Upon transfer to sucrose-enriched medium withoutPGRs, these embryos matured and germinated intoplantlets within 21 days, with a conversion rate ofabout 80%. The protocol thus established showed alow frequency of albinos when embryos were maturedon a high sucrose (8%) containing medium underdiffuse light conditions (5 mmol m–2s–1). Rhizome formationtook place upon prolonged culturing in the samemedium and served as excellent propagules for multiplication.The plantlets were hardened and up to 78%survival rate was achieved in soil under greenhouseconditions.
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