Recently, Ru-complexes have received considerableattention in the field of electroanalysis and chemically mod-ified electrodes owing to their reversible redox activities andexcellent electrocatalytic properties [1–3]. Ru-derivatives,which have been immobilized on the electrode surfaces,shuttle electrons between solution analytes and substrateelectrodes with significant reduction in activation overpoten-tial. The modification of different electrode surfaces with aRu-complex is possible in different ways such as adsorption,entrapping into carbon paste, conductive composites, polymer matrices and electropolymerization [4–10]. Althoughmodified electrodes containing Ru-complexes have showninteresting catalytic activity towarddifferent electrochemicalprocesses, they display certain disadvantages such as consid-erable leaching of Ru-derivatives, poor long-term stabilityand the method of fabrication is more expensive, unrepeat-able and difficult.Furthermore, the fouling effectof reactantsand their oxidation and reduction products decrease thereproducibility of electrodes for analytical purposes and alsothe surfaces cannot be renewed after contamination at shortperiods of time. Hence, it is pertinent to explore and developa simple repeatable method for electrode fabrication withRu-complexes.The sol–gel method offers the possibility of preparingglassy materials at room temperature that can support the