a) Looking for the inspirations for the Derelict
In Alien, we find the discovery of a derelict spacecraft with the remains of one dead pilot, perhaps the vessels captain, and a clue left behind by the dead space jockey in the form of a pyramid shape scratched into his control panel leads to a connection being made with later discovered pyramid containing the dormant remains of a long gone ancient civilisation
b) Tales of Mary Celeste
Wikipedia: A fictional depiction by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is credited as popularising the Mary Celeste mystery. In "J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement", printed anonymously in the January 1884 Cornhill Magazine, Conan Doyle presented his theory on what had happened. Doyle drew very heavily on facts surrounding the real event, but included a considerable amount of fiction, calling the fictional ship Marie Celeste, and claiming that no lifeboats were missing ("The boats were intact and slung upon the davits"). Much of Doyle's fictional content and the incorrect name—have come to dominate popular accounts of the real incident—and were even published as fact by several newspapers. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Celeste)
c) Signs of Dracula
We can find this as an interesting trope in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula in the form of a ship there Demeter with its dead remaining captain bound to the steering wheel (See: 'Dead captain and missing crew' origins in Dracula )
d) Derelict yacht in Call of the Cthulhu
A near derelict yacht the Alert, is discovered in HP Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu written in 1926. The vessel with a small shrine aboard for a small statue of a strange giant alien god like being revealed in the story. The last surviving man aboard soon reveals his story. (See: "Mystery derelict found at sea" in "Call of the Cthulhu".)
e) Who goes there?
A story written by John W Campbell , published in 1938, perhaps loosely inspired by HP Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness in which a group of scientific researchers, isolated in Antarctica by the nearly-ended winter, discover an alien spaceship buried in the ice, where it crashed twenty million years before. They try to thaw the inside of the spacecraft with a thermite charge, but end up accidentally destroying it when the ship's magnesium hull is ignited by the charge. This story would later be filmed as "The Thing From Another World"
f) Howard Hawk's "The Thing from Another World"
Howard Hawks The Thing From Another World revealed the presence of a crashed flying saucer in a 1951 movie, encased in ice.