Seventeen studies from eight countries which investigated
the attitudes and beliefs of general practitioners, physiotherapists,
chiropractors, rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons and other
paramedical therapists were included. There is strong evidence that HCP
beliefs about back pain are associated with the beliefs of their patients.
There is moderate evidence that HCPs with a biomedical orientation or
elevated fear avoidance beliefs are more likely to advise patients to limit
work and physical activities, and are less likely to adhere to treatment
guidelines. There is moderate evidence that HCP attitudes and beliefs are
associated with patient education and bed rest recommendations. There is
moderate evidence that HCP fear avoidance beliefs are associated with
reported sick leave prescription and that a biomedical orientation is not
associated with the number of sickness certificates issued for LBP.
Conclusion: HCPs need to be aware of the association between their
attitudes and beliefs and the attitudes and beliefs and clinical management
of their patients with LBP