Once upon a time there was a forest far away from the world of the forest called "The universe forest"The forest is a center of vegetation and animal from each galaxy is rule by eikhlas. He taking care and protect this forest from these villains called the herculas it rule by herrase.
They want want to occupy all things in the universe. But 100 years ago eikhlas can create forces to fight against herculas and they win,
making herculas lose forces. Herrase cause very angry and ashamed.herrase said ‘ I will go back and I will occupied the universe forest , prepare to die eikhlas! 100 years later, herrase was back, hoping to take win but then lose.
Before eikhlas to be killed herras he said "You can not let greed and resentment to cover yourself, but you make families have died with you hands.these animal are very happy and the universe forest is peace forever. the end