The ISO 50001 Analyzer software has been developed to help plants implement an energy management system according to ISO 50001and thus reap the benefits of managing energy which include cost reduction, environmental pollution reduction, increased business and many such benefits. This research was intended to overcome the lack of availability of proper framework to implement an energy management system conforming to the ISO 50001 by creating flow charts and ISO 50001 Analyzer software. This software includes a database created using Microsoft Access to store all the information inputted by the user which would be very helpful especially during transfer of the energy management system to a similar plant. Though this software cannot be networked to transfer data, all the data stored can be transferred from one system to other using manual methods. The software is designed using a general logic and hence can be used for any kind of business. Its major focus is to cover all the requirements in the standard and help industries continuously proceed with ease and hence the software does not put excess stress on the process and product being manufactured.