SSA exports to the United States and Japan
enjoyed lower margins of preference. Yet even
in the United States and Japan, exports from
SSA countries were treated better than exports
from other regions. Overall, SSA received more
favorable treatment than other exporters of the
same products. Preferential access of SSA
goods to some of the world’s largest markets,
including Europe, Japan, and the United States
made the negative impact of developed-world
protectionism on SSA minimal. As Ng and
Yeats noted, “foreign protectionism is not
responsible” for poor trade and economic performance
in SSA.67
SSA exports to the United States and Japanenjoyed lower margins of preference. Yet evenin the United States and Japan, exports fromSSA countries were treated better than exportsfrom other regions. Overall, SSA received morefavorable treatment than other exporters of thesame products. Preferential access of SSAgoods to some of the world’s largest markets,including Europe, Japan, and the United Statesmade the negative impact of developed-worldprotectionism on SSA minimal. As Ng andYeats noted, “foreign protectionism is notresponsible” for poor trade and economic performancein SSA.67
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