(I guess this strategy is working! Is it because she is a goddess that she falls for compliments like this? Right on!) Yes, I mean it! You really are a rare beauty! Don’t you agree, Moriarty?
……. I guess so.
Haha, see? My friend also agrees, Miss “beautiful” goddess!
I cannot believe myself! The word “beautiful” is completely melting my heart down!
Are you okay, Miss “beautiful” goddess?
Ahhh, alrighty. I will let you enter. But here is a deal. Call me 'beautiful' a thousand times right now.
A thousand times?! That's a little to much!
If you can't do it, I cant help but to shoot you in the heart!
Okay, I got it. Beautiful goddess, Beautiful goddess, Beautiful goddess!
Ahhh, I am completely head over heels!