First off all I apologize for my late reply as I was collecting information from some colleagues.
Grammos products are in use in a few car plants in Europe (e.g. in France / Italy) but they are not a big player in the automotive segment in Europe.
One of my customers is using the Grammos gauze wipe which is very sticky. I visited this customer 2 weeks ago and demonstrated that this wipe is leaving a lot of residue on the surface (you can easily see this if you put some pressure on the wipe rubbing it on a window). I suppose that the Grammos nonwoven
Wipes will have a lower impregnation level (less tacky).
Golden Filltech is distributor for the Grammos range in Thailand, I think they are supplying to GM and Ford? Do you know if they mainly supply the sticky gauze product to the automotive sector in Thailand or also the non-woven wipe? The fact that the gauze wipe is causing smearing (residue) is a strong argument to switch to I-Tack Super. Grammos wipes are (mainly) produced in India and from there distributed to Thailand.
In case you can collect 10 – 15 wipes of the Grammos non-woven wipe we are able to test the wipes in our lab (e.g. to determine the dust pick up).